Timber Marking & Appraisal, Timber Sale Administration
& Marketing Forest Products
These three services
are discussed together because one often follows the other and all are interrelated.
Timber Marking & Appraisal is typically the first step
in the process, and is where the forester sprays paint on the trees to be harvested and tallies those trees for their
diameter, height, species and product. The result is a volume by species and an estimated net value of what has been
marked. This allows the forest owner to know what they are selling, and what it should be worth prior to the start of
Timber Sale Administration
is the process of monitoring harvest operations for work quality, making correct payments based on mill tallies, and supervising
the post harvest clean up. Much of this work is time spent by the forester in the woods while the harvest is in progress
Forest Products starts with determining the best method of sale. This usually means either sub-contracting
a logger or putting the marked timber volume out for competitive bid.
When all three are done correctly the landowner knows what they're selling and its
estimated value at the outset, gets the best possible job in the woods and receives the best actual return for the products
sold. If you would like to learn more, please click the e-mail link below: